My beloved...
There is always so much to say but then words would always fade away. What lies beneath my surface is an unfathomable force that goes beyond my normal self. An act of deep enthusiasm over certain shallow issues that my head cannot comprehend. How is it that I act like a dumb person where in fact there's more to what I cannot actually understand?
...then you fade away. There were different signs that came in different colors and shapes. There were these signs that I posted out the ground under different concealers and I have given them the full authority to shape-shift. How is it possible that you knew them all one by one but then you denied what you have been feeling? How is it possible that you are aware of the reasons standing armed at the tip of your tongue as you face me with ire and disorientation? Your heart seems to bubble and my blood gushed out from where its source. After a minute, there were bruises and my bones were broken.
Seeing you was too much for me. What is the source of my being? I have a mind full of perplexity and turmoil that adds nothing to help me bring about the good that is hidden within me. The Harlequin wasn't dead at all. It was just inside me, lurking, waiting with deep fury and resentment to what I have been doing to myself for the past 4 years of my existence in this tiny spec of dust. Still I hold the very key that will take Her out of the hell hole that I hid from myself. There are risks and there are sacrifices. I wish not to speak on the grounds of amusing what could possibly happen.
Why don't you just figure it out, Saawariya?
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