My life consisted of constant reading, heavy smoking, coffee inducement, and of course, writing until my fingers and hand would ache but then, I don't mind.
I am a Sophomore college student in a conservative and strict Catholic University as I have been on my past years of education. What's funny is that given the fact that I'm not very religious and I do not comply to the observances and daily routines of a Catholic person, yet here I am, educated in a Catholic institutions with obligatory Catholic subjects that I have to go through every single year.
Anyway, I know I have my own individual rights to voice out my own opinion about religion but this is not the right time to do it and I'm not in the right position and grounds to say anything against the Catholic and its people.
Right now I don't really know where this writing will take me. My Muse didn't arrive even though I was pumped up since hours ago to write. I've been waiting for her since like forever with my Black buddy, emitting smoke from its white and slender body. Anyway, I'm done with my guilty pleasure. Yeay! Although I just finished reading one, I can say that I'm not addicted to it any longer. Unlike before that I would like, stop everything and read until my eyes would burn and itch, not caring if I stayed up until dawn or something.
I have to say that I'm a nocturnal being. Given that I love the moon, the night sky, and the stars, I cannot just stop myself from doing nothing and go directly to sleep. I mean, I used to love sleeping more than anything else and right now I still do but damn, staying up late at night is taking it's toll on me and my education has to suffer!
I've been skipping my morning classes since that start of the second semester just to sleep in until noon or even until the dark is about to bite! I feel like an agent at a call center doing the graveyard shift! The reason why I stay up at night is because I want to get my body used to being up at night to study and make sure that the lessons at classes are stuck inside my head but sadly, I entertained a lot of distractions and they are keeping me away from opening my notes from school.
What the heck, I mean, I'm not the only one who's doing this, right? I guess there are a lot of people who are like me and it just so happen that I don't really know them. They might be miles away from me or they might be stuck in another country.
Anyway, I do have to go to sleep. Class at 0800 am tomorrow. Phew. I wish tomorrow, I mean, today is a Saturday so I could just sleep in without having time hot on my heels.
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